Saturday 17 December 2016

Black Soy Bean Drink

All right, for this breverage, you will need both the electric lunchbox and a blender.

The steps are super easy. To one cup (rice cup) of black beans, add 600 ml of water. Let it cook in the electric lunchbox for about 2 hours so that the beans will be soft. Next, pour the mixture to a blender and blend it. And you will have black bean soy drink. Add sugar as required.


Tuesday 13 December 2016

Chocolate Cakes using the Electric Lunchbox

The method of cooking used by the electric lunchbox is mainly via the steaming method. Since there is such thing as steamed cake, I was wondering whether we can create cakes using the electric lunchbox.

And yes, I did it!

Baking the chocolate cake is so easy, and washing is even easier, just 2 spoons and the metal plate. Period.

Here's how to do it.

Flour (5 tablespoon)
Butter (2 cm slice or about 20 g)
Chocolate (4 small bar)
1 table spoon of Nutella
1 egg
1 table spoon of instant oatmeal

1. Add butter, and chocolate into the metal bowl of the electric lunchbox.

2. Let the contents steam for about 5 min.
Melted butter and chocolate mixture. This is how the mixture looks like after 5 min of cooking in the electric lunchbox.

3. Add flour and nutella to the mixture in the bowl.
4. Stir the mixture until it looks homogeneous.
5.  Ensure that the mixture has cooled to room temperature, and add in the egg.
Semi solid mixture after adding in all the other ingredients

6. Stir the mixture until it is even.
7. Let the content steam for 20 min.
The Cake after steaming for 20 min in the electric lunchbox

8. Enjoy!

Thursday 27 October 2016

Tea Leave Eggs

After being influenced by my colleague who boiled 30 eggs per week, I decided that I want to do something similar, but with a simple twist.

I want flavored eggs, as such, a decision to prepare tea leave eggs.


Mixture A -
  • Angelica Roots (about 1 table spoon)
  • Wolfberry ( about one handful)
  • Black tea (about 1 table spoon)
  • Star anise (about 5 stars)
  • Cinnamon stick (2 sticks)
  • Dark soya sauce (2 table spoons)
  • Light soya sauce (3 table spoons)

Others -
  • Eggs (10 eggs)
  • Water


  • Place all the eggs into the electric lunchbox. Let them cook in the electric lunchbox for 10 min.
  • Remove the egg shells from the eggs.
  • Place 10 eggs into the electric lunchbox, together with mixture A.
  • Add water to cover the eggs
  • Let the eggs cook overnight.

This is how the 10 eggs look like before overnight cooking.

The Eggs after overnight cooking
How one of the eggs look like after overnight cooking

Wednesday 26 October 2016

30 eggs per week

I was at the pantry today, when one of my colleagues took out a hard boiled egg. She told me that's her daily breakfast. Curious, I asked her if she make them every day. To my surprise, she told me that she bought a tray of 30 eggs each week, and boil them. Then for the rest of the week, her whole family will be feeding on this supply of hard boiled eggs for breakfast. No extra cooking required. If she wants it warm, she will put the egg in a cup of hot water (courtesy of pantry supply).

After hearing this, I am amazed. I never thought about boiling so many eggs, and keeping them for breakfast. It's just like a one week cook once sort of thing (cool!) 

With that in mind, I decided that I should look at making some inventories of food which I can cook once (a week), and keep it in the refrigerator. When I want to eat it, just need to heat it up briefly. That would be cool, wouldn't it?

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